Contact / Bugs

I don’t take email or IRC communication for canto any longer.

Bugs should be filed in their respective trackers:

canto-next (daemon)

If you’re unsure which tracker to use, use either. A mis-filed bug report is better than none at all. Likely the first thing I’ll ask for is debug logging output so running either component with the -v flags and reproducing is suggested but not required.

8 thoughts on “Contact / Bugs

  1. It’s great to hear that canto is rewritten in C.
    But it seems that it suffers from performance issue due to those blocking operations.
    Is it possible to use some Event based (e.g libev) library to solve it, or using some
    lightweight fibers such as Protothreads etc. ?

    Best Regards

    1. Nope, canto is still 90% Python with a bit of C to do some of the lower level stuff (deal with widechars and readline in ways that the Python stdlib doesn’t handle).

      Performance is definitely something I’m trying to get right though. The main change in current git (other than completion) is that everything is properly threaded which helps alot.

  2. I love canto. Had it running for a 5+ years, running it 24/7 – on my main screen.
    It’s been a while since the question was asked – is there a refresh to run Canto on Mac?
    Thanks for the great work.
    (A long time z/OS programmer – CLI Forever!)

    1. There’s no reason that it _shouldn’t_ work on Mac with MacPorts covering all of its dependencies, but I have no OSX access and won’t officially support a non-free system. You should give it a try and report back.

  3. Hey this looks great!
    I’ve used newsbeuter for some years now and want to replace it since it’s unsupported.
    So far I’m not used to the way the feeds are displayed (more collapse/fold necessary than with newsbeuter) but I might get there when using canto more frequently.

    What I didn’t find out is how to display the date next to the articles headlines in an extra column – is there a way to do that?

    Thank you for your work.

  4. HI, I was wondering if its possible to add folder view? I have 500 feeds and they are all grouped in 4 categories (folders) but when I import my OPML I see all feeds grouped together? Thanks!

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