daemon 0.9.2, curses 0.9.4

… And then, everything got faster. Analysis to follow the changelog. daemon 0.9.2 Inoreader Sync. The sync-inoreader.py plugin landed, allowing you to synchronize with Inoreader. It requires the python3-requests package to be installed (most distros have a package for this). It also requires a real Inoreader account (not an OAuth Google/Facebook login). The details are […]

In the Pipe 6/6

So I’ve been sprinting lately and have perhaps been taking too much of a breathless approach to committing. Anyway, here’s an overview of what is already in git and what I plan on doing before the next dot releases. Inoreader The big one is Inoreader support has landed in canto-next git. It’s gone through a […]

On Sync

This sync thing is turning into a major headache. The Trouble with Feedly I’m thinking of abandoning Feedly, which is a shame since it seems to have the best mobile ecosystem, but it’s just not developer friendly on the command line. I went over this the last time sync came up, but there are too […]

curses 0.9.3

Another bugfix release. Fix hang when scrolling between feeds when a daemon is misbehaving or slow Fix handling of “invalid” multi-byte characters, which exhibited symptoms like breaking line wrapping and other graphical weirdness Fix borders (:set taglist.border True) and their color Fix :color command being hidden from help A few minor fixes. The big one […]

curses 0.9.2

Quick fix for an intermittent hang / logged backtrace caused by iterating backwards through items off screen. Apt repos will be updated shortly.


I’ve just bumped the versions of canto-curses and canto-daemon to 0.9.1. The apt repos will be updated shortly. Daemon Changes A number of tests for various important parts of the daemon. Particularly the index() function that converts the on-disk database into functional data structures. Fixed improper tagging of old items Don’t forget items that should […]

Dec 17th, 2014

Happy Holidays, all. Here’s a status update. Testing The biggest change is that tests have started appearing. I’ve written some very core tests for the daemon, testing its indexing which is by far the most important part (i.e. turning on-disk storage into data structures properly). Canto-curses is by far more complex, dealing directly with user […]


A year and a half after the last version, six months of work, and about 370 commits, 0.9.0 is here with an impressive changelog. Daemon Changes Daemon is now fully threaded. Daemon now has better support for multiple simultaneous connections. Performance has been enhanced significantly. Many bugfixes for instability and lost data. Many features polished, […]

Nov 7th, 2014

I think 0.9.0 is basically done. Over the last couple of weeks, I wrote the smartlink plugin for canto-curses that lets you define handlers for different content based on either the URL or the output of file when downloaded to /tmp. I also wrote some fixes that should let canto-curses not contend on the sync_lock […]

Oct 10th, 2014

I’ve been taking on a lot more pay-the-bills work as of late, having the pleasure of eviscerating a crusty Perl codebase and replacing it with Python. It’s rewarding and cathartic, but it’s also exhausting so I haven’t been as active as last month. I pushed a handful of tweaks to how canto-curses deals with readline, […]